Laurence Schmoll

Titel der Promotionsschrift

Concevoir un scénario de jeu vidéo sérieux pour l'enseignement-apprentissage des langues ou comment dominer un oxymore


Prof. Dr. habil. Anemone Geiger-Jaillet, Université de Strasbourg


Datum der Disputation




To create a video game scenario for language learning or how to overcome an oxymoron


This research examines the use of video games in foreign language classrooms. It investigates the integration of this digital medium, originating as an informal leisure activity, in a formal language learning classroom setting. The ‘learning video game’, which refers to both the act of learning and the act of play, can be seen as an oxymoron encompassing seriousness as well as fun. This work focuses on the fun aspect. This work is motivated by the following research question: how can the use of a learning video game foster a playful attitude, hypothetically conducive to a greater involvement of the learner, while also potentially leading to increaseand complexification in student foreign language production and interaction? As a part of the Eveil 3D-project, this study analyses reception from a sample of learners to two learning games which have the same scenario but were completed according to two different game design models. The findings provide both a game design model and a scenario template in order to support foreign language learning through the use of the video game.