Jutta Wörle

Titel der Promotionsschrift

Kommunikationsstrategien und Anzeichen für Sprachbewusstheit von Kindern beim Französischlernen in einer Kindertagesstätte in der Rheinschiene

(Stratégies de communication et conscience langagière des enfants en FLE au jardin d'enfants allemand)

Betreuung - Doppeldoktorat

- Prof. Dr. habil. Gérald Schlemminger, Pädagogische Hochschule Karlsruhe

- Prof. Dr. habil. Anemone Geiger-Jaillet, Université de Strasbourg


Datum der Disputation




European Commission promotes language learning and linguistic diversity as main objectives of European policy. The Action Plan 2004 – 2006 points out that it is a priority for Member States to ensure that language learning in kindergarten and primary school is effective. The implementation of the Orientierungsplan für baden-württembergische Kindergärten in 2009/10 opens new possibilities of early language teaching. Up to now we can only find global studies about mostly the exterior conditions of early language teaching in south west of Germany. The effects that would and could be reached by second language acquisition (L2) in early childhood are not yet analysed. There are no detailed scientific results concerning the development of communicative competence. The communication strategies used by very young children and their rising language awareness with French as Foreign Language are not yet described. The present study closes this gap. The main goal of the evaluation is the long-term research with the help of appropriate instruments under the specific institutional conditions. The chosen method is a video-based language acquisition research with the communication- and task based testing called SE FRÜH Sprachstanderhebung Frühsprachen. It allows to evaluate the communicative competence in form of communication strategies and metalinguistic behavior (language awareness).The data are collected in a Kindergarten close to French border where children are brought in touch with the language of their neighbor. Participated in 2007/08: 10 children (5-6 years), in 2008/09: 30 children (16: 5-6 years; 14: 4 years) and in 2009/10: 11 children (5-6 years / already evaluated when 4 years. Exemplary findings can be presented (exemplary film sequences).